kareem amr profile picture

I’m an interaction design problem solver

Crafting engaging and intuitive designs that drive customer satisfaction

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Usability evaluation reports

Consultation and training programs

Interaction and visual design

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Previous projects

Some projects that can get you inspired

contactcars case study

Crafting a delightful car listing and searching experience for contactcars.com

How did I manage to close the deal with them and increased their website retention rate by 63%?

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Thoughts by me

Documenting some real-life stories

Real-Life Example of Writing Down Challenges

Friends always tell me to jot down my problems to see them in a better way. It was hard for me at first but one time I got fed up with the challenges I decided to write them down.

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How did we save more than $3,000 in a 5min call with only the #DesignThinking approach?

Yesterday, one of our product managers called me to discuss a new feature that needs a design. He stated that one of our clients had an issue reported to our support team.

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